Panther Documentation

Creating a new Panther client from scratch

  1. If you haven’t already done so, download and install Node. You’ll need version 6 or higher.
  2. Login to your Github account and create a new repository (e.g. your-new-repo).
  3. Open your terminal and git clone the Panther Starter Kit (coming soon).
  4. Navigate into the cloned project directory.
  5. Run git remote rm origin to disconnect the cloned repository from the Panther Starter Kit remote repository.
  6. Run git remote add origin, substituting the URL for your repository’s URL.
  7. Run git push -u origin master to push up the code.
  8. Run npm install to install the dependencies.
  9. Run npm start to start the Panther engine.
  10. Once the build tasks have finished running, the website should automatically open in your web browser and the application should begin monitoring your files for changes.
  11. You can stop the process at any time by pressing control + c on your keyboard.

Congratulations! You should now have a working Panther client.

Take a look at the Configuring Panther page to learn more.