Panther Documentation


Panther is a Node-powered static site generator that enables teams to prototype, document and showcase their UI components inside a web browser. Components are nested inside resizable frames, allowing stakeholders to preview their appearance and behaviour. These interactive examples are accompanied by code snippets and implementation instructions for developers, facilitating their workflow when it comes time to integrate the components into real-world products. This “living documentation” provides a central point of reference for how an organization’s brand should be represented across all of its digital properties, which is especially helpful for organizations with multiple, distributed teams.

Panther itself is not a repository for your UI component code, but rather, a processing engine that monitors your code and transforms it into a static website. In order for Panther to work its magic, you must first install it into your codebase as an NPM dependency. Next, you’ll need configure Panther’s settings, call its API methods, and follow some predefined file naming conventions. Once things have been properly setup, the website that Panther generates can be immediately deployed to a web server - no database required!

TODO: Create a Panther client “starter kit” repository that developers can duplicate in order to get up and running as quickly as possible.